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Thursday, April 03, 2025

ABS-15 - Gender and Border(land)s

Coordinator: Laurie Trautman, Ph.D.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Western Washington University


Moderator: Andreanne Bissonnette, Western Washington University


Motherhood and the Watchful Eye: The Impact of U.S.-Mexico Border Control on Mothers in Borderlands
Gabriela Aros, Arizona State University School of Transborder Studies


“Ellas Tienen Nombre:” Cartographic Futurities through Desmadre
Miss Alexa A De La Fuente, Yale University


Unaccompanied and Undeterred: The Migration Experiences and Resilience of Central American Migrant Girls
Zaira Ruby Martin, Arizona State University

Event Information

Start 04-03-2025 10:15 AM
End 04-03-2025 11:45 AM
Room Issaquah A