ABS Movie Screening
Scha'nexw Elhtal'nexw Salmon People: Preserving a Way of Life is an hour-long documentary inspired by the late Chexanexwh Larry Kinley, a Lummi fisherman and tribal leader who promoted sovereignty. The Lummi, located in Northwestern Washington State, have ancestral territories that span the Canada - US border.
The film follows two Lummi families fishing for sockeye. As they navigate climate change and a depleting fishery, Larry asks: “Who Are We Without Salmon?”. Celebrating the resilience and adaptive natures of salmon and the people, the film is a spiritual reflection on a lifeway centered on respect and gratitude for salmon.
Thursday April 4, 4:30 - 6:00
In the Ballard Room.
Conference Schedule
Conference Info
WSSA Affilliates' Websites
WSSA Affilliates
Important Dates & Notices To Section Coordinators
- January 28, 2025 through March 27, 2025 – Weekly Updates to Website Will start –On each Wednesday Section Coordinators will submit changes to program. Changes will be posted to Website by Friday of the same week.
- Day and time of the panels will be assigned. Space, day and time will be reserved for the Sections.
- Section Coordinators are responsible for verifying the time, date and content of each panel.
- All Changes to the program shall only occur during these assigned times.
- March 29, 2025– Final draft program will be for the purposes of the Conference will be distributed. Updates will be continuous through the end of the Conference. Please note that updates are dependent on the information provided by the Section Coordinators. WSSA is not responsible for changes of which it has not been notified.
- April 30, 2025 - WSSA Program with all changes will be posted to the WSSA Website.