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Friday April 04, 2025

PS-02/SA - Religiosity, ideological identity and democratic beliefs

Coordinator: Jesus Ruiz Flores
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Universidad de Guadalajara


Coordinator: Fernando Pedro Viacava-Breiding
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico, Campus Morelia


Moderator: Diane Duffin, University of Nebraska-Kearney


Discussant: Pierre Atlas, Indiana University Indianapolis


Islam and Democracy: The Turkish Case Revisited
Dr. Paul James Kubicek, Oakland Univeristy


Verdad y Posverdad en la democracia contemporánea
Dr. Ignacio Medina Nuñez, El Colegio de Jalisco


Harmful Headlines: Social Media Behavior and Ideological Identity
Kimberly Gomez, University of Nebraska-Kearney; Political Science Department
Diane Duffin, University of Nerbraska-Kearney; Professor


Congressional Oversight, Insecure Majorities, and the Policy Agenda in K-12 Education
Dr. Diane L Duffin, PhD, University of Nebraska at Kearney


The Importance of Actively Monitoring Proposed Legislation to Protect Nudist Rights
Steven P Schubert, AANR-West


Event Information

Start 04-04-2025 1:00 PM
End 04-04-2025 2:30 PM
Room Ravenna C