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SP-02 - Social Impact of Technology

Coordinator: Elizabeth Hamner, Ph.D.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Affiliation: Collin College


Moderator: Elizabeth Hamner, Ph.D., Collin College


The Effects of Rapidly Expanding Online Technology on Human Socialization
Dr. Michael Smart, PhD., Collin College
Micha Anwar, PhD., Collin College


Realidades virtuales, mentes reales: como los medios digitales moldean nuestra percepción del mundo
Inary Olguín González, UAEMex
Diego Hernández Cote, Concepto Móvil


Use of Artificial Intelligence for Novel Psychological Scale Construction in Surveys
Peter J. Martini, Ph.D., Nevada State University
Patrick Scagnelli, Nevada State University
Marisol Trujillo Medina, Nevada State University

Event Information

Start 04-03-2025 9:45 AM
End 04-03-2025 11:15 AM
Room Jefferson B