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PS-05 - International conflicts

Coordinator: Jesus Ruiz Flores
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Universidad de Guadalajara


Coordinator: Fernando Pedro Viacava-Breiding
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Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico, Campus Morelia


Moderator: José Enrique Aguirre-Torres, Universidad de Guadalajara / ITESO


Discussant: Robert Rodriguez, East Texas A&M University


Unpacking Global Polarization: Analyzing the Impact of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine on the United Nations
Abbas Mammadov, Washington State University


Estonia as the Leader in helping refugees from Ukraine: Analyzing Estonia’s Foreign Policy Rationale from Neoliberal-Neorealist Perspective
Mariia  Makarenko, University of Nevada Reno

Event Information

Start 04-05-2025 9:45 AM
End 04-05-2025 11:15 AM
Room Ravenna A