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PS-03/LASC - Diplomacy, Paradiplomacy and Institutional Change

Coordinator: Jesus Ruiz Flores
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Universidad de Guadalajara


Coordinator: Fernando Pedro Viacava-Breiding
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Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico, Campus Morelia


Moderator: Nair Teles, Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique


Soccer Diplomacy: How World Cup Fandom Led to a Restoration of Political Relations between Argentina and Bangladesh
Dr. Robert G. Rodriguez, East Texas A&M University
Nazmush Shahadat Munia, East Texas A&M University


British and American Electoral Politics in the Age of Neoliberalism
Dr. Gerry Sussman, Portland State University


Political Protest,Lethal State Response and Institutional Change in Chile,Peru and Mozambique
Dr. James Gary Linn, University of Valparaiso, Chile & Optimal Solutions in Healthcare & International Development,U.S.A.
Dr.Nair Teles, Eduardo Mondlane University,Mozambique


The Increasing Relevance of Paradiplomacy in Federal Systems
José Enrique  Aguirre Torres, Maestro, Universidad de Guadalajara/ ITESO

Event Information

Start 04-04-2025 11:30 AM
End 04-04-2025 12:50 PM
Room Leschi