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CJC-03 - Gender Based, Sexual, and Domestic Violence

Coordinator: Stephani Anne Williams
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Northern Arizona University


Coordinator: Andrew Brown
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Northern Arizona University - Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice


Moderator: Stephani Williams, Northern Arizona University


Discussant: Stephani Williams, Northern Arizona University


Title IX and Sexual Violence: Supporting Survivors While Addressing the Rights of the Accused
Breanna Roberts and Lillian Selznick, Northern Arizona University


Anti-Shackling Legislation Demonstrating the Need for Federal Legislation
Lillian Selznick, Northern Arizona University


Navigating Justice: The Impact of Gender- Based Violence and Legal System Contact on Maya Women’s Health in Belize
Lea Miriannie Cambranes,


Roommates as Victims of Domestic violence
Natalie P Castro Rodriguez, Northern Arizona University

Event Information

Start 04-04-2025 4:30 PM
End 04-04-2025 6:00 PM
Room Boren