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ASE-01/AFIT/URPE - Health, Provisioning, and Gender

Coordinator: Iris Buder
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Idaho State University


Moderator: Iris Buder, Idaho State University


Estimating Substance Use Treatment's Treatment Effects: Mortality in the Later Waves of the Opioid Epidemic
David Michael Hall, University of Oregon


Digital bodyguards: A field experiment on the role of personal safety on mobility and empowerment
Dr. Zehra Aftab, Prince Muhammad University
Sheheryar Banuri,
Fareena Noor Malhi,

Why Would Capitalist States Pursue Gender Equality?
Kal Hardenbergh, University of Massachusetts Amherst


Objectivism in capitalist economics; Radical anarchy or corporatism
Dr. Michael Smart, Ph.D., Collin College

Event Information

Start 04-04-2025 9:45 AM
End 04-04-2025 11:15 AM
Room Leschi