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AS-01 - Politics and Capital in Contemporary China

Coordinator: Barbara Greene
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Affiliation: Tokyo International University, Japan


Moderator: Dr. Chelsea Chou, National Taiwan University


Chinese Übermensches: Mobility Capital and the Entrepreneurial Experiences of Young Privileged Chinese Migrants
Wenfu Zhang, University of Warwick


Migrating Her Femininity: Reconsidering Women’s Rural-Urban Migration and Intrahousehold Gender Dynamics in Qinghai and Yunnan, China
Bowen Xia, King's College London


Refining Blame-Avoidance Strategies: The Evolution of Government Tactics in China in the Xi Era
Dr. Chelsea Chou, National Taiwan University

Event Information

Start 04-05-2025 1:00 PM
End 04-05-2025 2:30 PM
Room Ravenna A