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AIIS-09 - Coming together: Mentoring and Collaboration

Coordinator: Stefanie Kunze
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Affiliation: Northern Arizona University


Moderator: Rosalva Resendiz, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley


A Relational Approach: Sustaining Diné Bizaad through the Mentor-Apprentice Program
Aresta Tsosie-Paddock, University of Arizona
Dilan Erteber, University of Arizona


Re-imagining How We Come Together - Collaboration within a Regenerative Paradigm
Bryce Henney, ReRoot Collaborations


Nourishing Native Studies Faculty & Student Connections to Place and Wellbeing Through Remote Learning Environments
Leola Tsinnajinnie Paquin, University of New Mexico
Nicole Swentzell, University of New Mexico
Mia Armijo-Paquin, University of New Mexico


Indigenous Approaches to Climate Adaptation: Two Frameworks
Deidre M Peroff, Wisconsin Sea Grant


Event Information

Start 04-04-2025 1:00 PM
End 04-04-2025 2:30 PM
Room Ravenna B