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ABS-49 - Reimagining Borders: Arts and Culture in and Beyond Borderlands

Coordinator: Laurie Trautman, Ph.D.
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Western Washington University


Coordinator: Laurie Trautman, Ph.D.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Western Washington University


Moderator: Karolina Radłowska, University of Bialystok


Chinese Border Foodways in the Pacific Northwest: Dividing Seattle and Vancouver, or Seattle and Bellevue
Dr. Robert Nelson, University of Windsor


Cross-border solidarities and cultural peace work in Northern Ireland
Dr. Louise Harrington, University of Alberta


US-Mexico Border Art: Contradictions Beyond Polarized Narratives
Rosa Bandeirinha, University of Coimbra


Borderland museums: nation, memory, identity. The example of Poland
Dr. Karolina Radłowska, University of Bialystok

Event Information

Start 04-05-2025 1:00 PM
End 04-05-2025 2:30 PM
Room Kirkland