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ABS-48 - Borders in Flux: Rethinking Space, Identity, and Temporalities Across Divides

Coordinator: Laurie Trautman, Ph.D.
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Western Washington University


Coordinator: Laurie Trautman, Ph.D.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Western Washington University

Moderator:      Ibrahim Berrada, Northern Arizona University


Following the Traces of the Mongols and Mao: History, Hauntology, and Timescape at China’s Northwestern Internal Borderland
Yadong Li, PhD Student, Tulane University


Jarchar, or the Art of Crossing in Yuri Herrera’s Signs Preceding the End of the World
Dr. Charlie Geyer, University of Arizona


Thrifting: A Sustainable Practice on the U.S.- Mexico Border
Marcela Moran, MFA, Texas A&M International University


A Comprehensive Review of Trauma-informed and Culturally Responsive Pedagogical Practices for Refugee Students in Secondary and Post-Secondary Education
Dr. Ibrahim Berrada, Northern Arizona University
Paul Coleman, Arizona State University

Event Information

Start 04-05-2025 2:45 PM
End 04-05-2025 4:15 PM
Room Kirkland