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ABS-46 - Border Theories and Approaches

Coordinator: Laurie Trautman, Ph.D.
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Western Washington University


Moderator: Claudia Donoso, St. Mary's University, San Antonio-Texas


Theorizing Belonging in the Borderlands - A Case Study of Cyprus
Dr. Hilmi Ulas, Chapman University


Why is ‘fortification’ progressing in Japan's southwestern borderlands? : From the perspective of borderlands theory
Koji Furukawa, Chukyo University


The Battleground for Hong Kong Legal Space and Paradiplomacy: Anglo-American Contestations of Chinese National Security
Iverson Chun Sing Ng, Tallinn University


Security Sector Reform Inclusive of a Human Security Approach to tackle Organized Crime in Ecuador
Dr. Claudia Donoso, PhD., St. Mary's University, San Antonio-Texas

Event Information

Start 04-05-2025 2:45 PM
End 04-05-2025 4:15 PM
Room Issaquah B