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ABS-23 - Welcome to the Wet Borderlands: Thinking Borders with Water

Coordinator: Laurie Trautman, Ph.D.
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Western Washington University


Moderator: Dorte Jagetic Anderson; Annika Pohl Harrisson, University of Southern Denmark; University of Southern Denmark


Shared Sovereignty as a Governance Framework for the Resolution of Maritime Boundary Disputes
Dr. Halina Sapeha, Borders in Globalization (BiG) Lab, University of Victoria
Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly, Borders in Globalization (BiG) Lab, University of Victoria


The agency of rivers in bordering irregular migration: from drowning to the decomposition of human bodies
Dr. Xavier Oliveras-González, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte


Temporal border of the groundwater governance for social resilience
Dr. Makoto Taniguchi, PhD, Research Institute for Humanity of Nature


Thinking borders with-in-on water – reflections on the critical potential of “the wet borderlands perspective”
Dr. Dorte Jagetic Andersen, Ph.D., University of Southern Denmark
Annika Pohl Harrisson, University of Southern Denmark


(Border-)Lands of Love and Drowning – Blue Bordertexturing; as part of the panel: Welcome to the Wet Borderlands: Thinking Borders with Water
Dr. Tobias Schank, Saarland University, Germany

Event Information

Start 04-04-2025 10:15 AM
End 04-04-2025 11:45 AM
Room Issaquah B