AIIS-03 - The Doctrine of Discovery and Indigenous International Law

Coordinator: Stefanie Kunze
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Affiliation: Northern Arizona University


Moderator: Michele Hale, Arizona State University


First in Time, First in Right
Allison Marie Shaddox, Cherokee Nation
Allison Shaddox, Cherokee Nation


Inherently International: Indigenous International Law and Expressions of Self-Determination
Jeff Corntassel, Indigenous Studies, University of Victoria


Indigenous International Law and Legal Borders: Overturning the Domestication of Indigenous Rights
Andrew Ambers, University of Victoria, Faculty of Law


Indigenous Policy Formulation in a Post-Truth, GAI Communications Environment
Richard M. Wheelock, MA, American Indian Studies, U of A; PhD., American Studies, UNM, Emeritus, NAIS, Fort Lewis College; Member of Oneida Nation in Wisconsin


Event Information

Start 04-03-2025 1:00 PM
End 04-03-2025 2:30 PM
Room Ravenna B